They are commonly seen around grassland, day land and rocky ground areas. Photograph location: Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur, RJ, India
River Tern Couple
They are found around fresh waterbody, banks of lakes, river. Photograph location: Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary, Karnataka, India
Spot Billed Pelican
They are found around fresh waterbodies, like lakes, backwater. Photograph location: Hoskote Lake, Bangalore rural, Karnataka, India
Indian paradise flycatcher (Adult male)
These lovely birds are seen in forest areas, not very common now a days. Photograph location: Ramapura, Kolar rural, Karnataka, India
Indian Roller
These beautiful birds are seen around shrubland and forest areas, sometime close to countryside. Photograph location: Bangalore rural, Karnataka, India
Western Scrub-Jay
They are commonly seen around countryside, shrubland even in and around city. Photograph location: Pleasanton rural, California, USA
Black Phoebe
These small birds are seen around coastal cliffs, river and lake banks, close to forest areas. Photograph location: Diablo Foothills Regional Park, Walnut creek, California, USA
Ladder-Backed Woodpecker
Not very common, they are seen in and around forest areas. Photograph location: Shadow Cliffs Regional Park, Pleasanton, California, USA
California Towhee
Not very common, seen around forest and foothill areas. Photograph location: Pleasanton Foothill, California, USA
White-Breasted Nuthatch
They are seen in shrubland and forest areas. Photograph location: Diablo Foothills Regional Park, Walnut creek, California, USA
They are found in and around wetland, fresh water like river, creek, lakes. Photograph location: Pleasanton rural. California. USA
Canada Goose
These big birds seen around wetland, waterbody areas. Photograph location: Pleasanton rural. California. USA
Cassin’s Finch
Not very common, they are seen in shrubland and forest areas. Photograph location: Pleasanton rural, California, USA
Wild Turkey (Young)
They are always found in group, around grassland, foothill and forest. Photograph location: Pleasanton foothill, California, USA
Americal Coot
They are found in and around wetland, fresh water like river, creek, lakes. Photograph location: San Diego. California. USA
They are found in and around wetland, fresh water like river, creek, lakes. Photograph location: Pleasanton rural. California. USA
Western Bluebird
They are found in grassy hillsides, semi-desert, grassland areas. Photograph location: Diablo Foothills Regional Park, Walnut creek, California, USA
Yellow-Ramped Warbler (Female)
They are found in shrubland, semi-desert, grassland areas. Photograph location: Diablo Foothills Regional Park, Walnut creek, California, USA
Spotted Towhee
They are found at shrubland and forest areas. Photograph location: Shadow Cliffs Regional Park, Pleasanton, California, USA
Bewick’s Wren
They are found at shrubland, grassland and forest areas. Photograph location: Shadow Cliffs Regional Park, Pleasanton, California, USA
Dark-Eyed Junco
They are seen around shrubland and forest areas. Photograph location: Diablo Foothills Regional Park, Walnut creek, California, USA
Red-Breasted Sapsucker
They are found at shrubland and evergreen forest areas. Photograph location: Pleasanton. California. USA
House Wren
They are commonly seen around countryside and shrubland. Photograph location: Diablo Foothills Regional Park, Walnut creek, California, USA
European Starling
They are found around countryside, shrubland, close to waterbody. Photograph location: Diablo Foothills Regional Park, Walnut creek, California, USA
Pacific-Slope Flycatcher
Not very common species, found around shrubland and forest areas. Photograph location: Diablo Foothills Regional Park, Walnut creek, California, USA
Lesser Scaup
They are found in and around wetland and waterbody. Photograph location: San Diego, California, USA
Red-Shouldered Hawk
Not very common bird, found around in grassy hillsides, semi-desert, grassland areas. Photograph location: Pleasanton rural, California, USA
Western Bluebird (Female)
IThey are found in grassy hillsides, semi-desert, grassland areas. Photograph location: Diablo Foothills Regional Park, Walnut creek, California, USA
Acorn Woodpecker
They are seen in shrubland and forest areas. Photograph location: Diablo Foothills Regional Park, Walnut creek, California, USA
These beautiful birds are seen around shrubland and forest areas, sometime close to countryside. Photograph location: Los Angeles, California, USA
Pomarine Jaeger
They are commonly found on sea water close to sea shore, backwater areas. Photograph location: Bodega Bay. California. USA.
White-Breasted Nuthatch
They are seen in shrubland and forest areas. Photograph location: Diablo Foothills Regional Park, Walnut creek, California, USA
Myself a thorough travel enthusiast, a creative and nature loving soul. I love to narrate stories through various mediums of photography, painting and digital media design.
Pootus is my dream project, it’s all about me and my portfolio.